Thursday, September 15, 2011


We blame politians for the downfall of our country. Yes, they are partly at fault, but the rest lies on us as a family. With tvs in every room, ipods, ipads, computers, and play stations, families have tended to break down. Our country rides of the back of families, and if they are broken, so is our country. Families need to pull together and start playing together, doing more activities, unplug and be more social off line. Our children are losing the use of their imginations. They don't know how to play anymore, and listening to kids play, their games are on the violent side, which might have something to do with the shows and games they watch and play on their game systems. Outside games are unknown, such as Tag, Red Light Green Light, and Four Square. Rainy days are spent on game systems instead of under tents made of sheets and tables, reading with a flashlight or playing jacks and marbles or making cookies. We as parents need to revive the desire to play and do activities as a family. Children need to become social face to face instead of making friends online. Our families are growing weaker, lets unplug for awhile.

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